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Overcoming The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Divorce & Separation


 Get The Support You Need to Navigate through Complicated Times and Emerge with Your Relationships, Business, And Legacy Intact.

What you'll get:

  • Get The Insight & Support Needed to Turn Your Crisis into A Big Opportunity for Positive Transformation
  • Tools to Help You Understand Your Purpose, Even in The Middle of a Crisis
  • Forgive & Forget Anything Over a Weekend
  • Restore Relationships That Were Practically Non-Existing
  • Build New Open and Honest, Lifelong Relationships
  • Awaken Your Dreams or Create New Vision for Your Life
  • Gain Leadership Presence to Emerge with Your Business, Relationships, And Legacy Intact
  • Full proof System to Replace Anxiety, Procrastination, And Draining Activities with Energizing Actionable Steps Everyday
  • Each Session Comes with Self-Work, That Explains Step-by-Step How to Apply This Knowledge to Transform Your Life! 
  • Get Live Support from Transformation Consultant to Target Your Specific Challenges
  • Create Clearly Defined Goals & 1st Year PLAN to Live the Life You Truly Desire Going Forward
  • Opportunity For Additional Coaching & One on One Support to Navigate Through Complicated Times and Beyond.
  • FAST ACTION BONUS: Free Video Training "How to Forgive & Move Forward Powerfully! 

 Simplifying The Way Leaders See & Respond to Complicated Times. Creating Transformation That Allows You to Emerge from Crisis with Your Relationships, Business, And Legacy Intact!

What People Are Saying:

Torri was very insightful and helped me see things that I either never knew or didn’t want to acknowledge about myself.


I knew from the very first conversation, that Torri was the right coach at a challenging time in my life.


Working with Torri was truly a stepping stone for my healing journey that I definitely needed. His wisdom and great words of courage are life changing !